I have been asked many times: What is the ego and the spiritual EGO.

 I define them as the following: Ego (identity ego)….a constructed identity that is neither good or bad used by everyone to experience earth and human life. This identity is used to navigate earth and the manifested realms of existence.  This ego is a set of belief systems and programming often judged inappropriately and inaccurately. It is also mistakenly use a a definition of Self.  Its sole purpose is to interact with other beings and people on the planet. Every human has an ego and is required in order to evolve and function.  The ego creates a personality and identity from the belief systems and programming it absorbs from experience, this is why and how we are so individually unique. The end result is typically judged by the human self and others for and by it’s characteristics, personal and societal standards and all too often seen as good or bad.  Negative Spiritual Ego…this is the created identity ego (above) that goes on a spiritual “trip” for power and aggrandizement in the name of god or love but is really a compensation for the identity  ego’s issues , judgments of self and needs.  Divine Spiritual EGO….this is the purposeful aspect of your Soul/Spirit to create the illusion and perspective of separateness  so your Soul and Source (God) may experience the multitudes of potentials in all of existence.  This ego is unique  and pure. It only houses the ability to experience the worlds of perceived separateness. This ego gets a bad rap because of the identity ego and from the limited knowledge that this pure state of being actually exists.  This ego is rarely ever accessed by a human being. This ego can only be accessed by a highly evolved spiritual and conscious being.  In truth it is all illusion created for experience and no other purpose. The Divine Ego is divinely neutral and without polarity unlike the identity ego which is all polarity/good and bad/light and dark.  Judgment of the ego especially one’s own is the major source of personal pain and limitation… it is all self created out of the ignorance of judgment and polarized consciousness.  In other words; you cause your own pain and suffering by your ego judging your ego.  True freedom lies in unconditional acceptance of what is with the knowing that you can change anything that is not working for you!  In hopes this information serves you in some way, Michael

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