You are The Creator of Your Life

CREATOR means “originator”

Creators work alone, their inner journey is theirs and theirs alone.
Their purpose in life is spiritual and personal development.
Creators do however, interact or play with other creators.

We are all born creators!

We simply learn to forget who we really are.

Why We Forget

Through the everyday learning of how to be a human being we are taught, accidentally and sometimes on purpose, to forget the creator we are. This world and most people in it teach every creator that they must belong to and become part of this world’s construct and dogma.

There is an indoctrination to give up your innate creator to become just like everyone else. This creates a dependency and need to “belong” which very few creators ever grow out of.

This created amnesia allows for greater control of the population and for those already asleep to feel comfortable. This then allows those who are sleeping to ignore their heart and focus with their mind.

This creates separation from self and is easily misdirected. The mind was meant to be a tool to interface with this world and other creators/humans but it was to be governed by the heart of the creator.

As people fell asleep the mind began to govern the heart and a great disconnect within the creator took place, which in turn disconnected the creator from their Creator.

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