Now that we have looked at a lot of the human life repercussions of this event and have hopefully clarified many things for some of you we will look at a higher perspective.


This event has changed human life in countless ways and will continue to do so. But what about some of the higher purposes of this event. On the outside this event looks devastating and tragic. However this event creates a segway into a new way of existence and human consciousness.


The so-called virus on a physical level is no more dangerous to human evolution than is a shift in consciousness. This is what the virus will bring in the long term, a shift in consciousness. Again we will state that we are not belittling the tragedies that will affect many on the human level and you should have compassion for them. But the virus brings the ability for the biology of humanity to transform into a different way of being in order for the body to carry more light/consciousness.


This transformation will also force a shift in consciousness. Because humanity has been asleep for so long and the hypnotic state of the matrix in this reality is so powerful it takes something this dramatic in order to make a global shift. Without a global shift humanity will not move into the new age that was in the blueprint. The programming and belief systems here is so powerful that for humans to do it at free will is extremely unlikely and difficult. So this boost and assistance in the shifting of consciousness and perspective through the awareness of physical mortality allows for the creation of a new conscious human being. At the same time the virus will allow for a mutation within the genetic/RNA/DNA of the human being.


There are those that would seek to stop this and will attempt to impose a mandatory vaccination which will attempt to block this mutation. It will not nor can it stop what has begun. Many of the symptoms that you see in this coronavirus are Ascension symptoms that many have been going through over the last 20 to 40 years. The virus will allow for this type of biological transformation to take place amongst those who are not in a place to shift their consciousness fast enough or at this time. At a soul level these individuals will use the virus or the effects on consciousness to integrate their own Ascension.


Ascension simply meaning a raise in frequency within the individuals consciousness making them more connected to their divine nature.


There are many who are traveling this path in a form of spirituality, personal growth or self-discovery. This number however is small compared to the number of people on the planet. In order for the whole of humanity to continue moving forward expeditiously there must be a planetary and global change. This is one way that will be used to catapult humanity into the next level of being on this planet. Those born after the year 2000 came into this world wired physically, emotionally and intellectually prepared for this change however the programming has stunted them and this is being seen as a way to continue the momentum.


This is typically why the virus does not affect the younger humans because their wiring is prepared for these changes. It is their programming in their familial belief systems that is limiting them and these must be shifted. The older human beings that are affected are in a position to either leave the planet because they are finished or because their programming is too powerful for them to overcome and make the shift in consciousness. These decisions of staying or leaving/life or death are made at a soul level not at the human consciousness level.


There also must be a change in what is considered normal for humanity. The abuse, the sex trafficking, the political power, the money hoarding all are not in alignment with the global blueprint for the advancement of humanity. So steps and measures are being taken in order to break down those unloving conditions in order to make way for the newly wired next generation to make the changes. Those who are in power are lost in power and even though many of them have committed to making the changes,this is once in their human existence they were unable to and therefore other measures are required.


All of this that is taking place in your world at this time is to bring about change and elevate the human experience to a higher more loving existence. You must however consider that as slow as human beings are in changing that the outcome of this may be hundreds to multiples of thousands of years away. But this is the beginning of this new change hence it was called the “new age”. The new age lost its way and became the new “religion” and therefore is no longer a relevant term. So for conversational purposes these changes are simply the raising of consciousness of humanity into a more loving global conscious existence.

We will leave our explanation at this because there is plenty to digest and absorb in the words that have been typed. If however you have any questions or comments please leave them and we will answer them as soon as possible.


We wish you the best on your journey!          You are the Savior you have been looking for!

You are the answers that you have been seeking!       You are the love you desire!

Look no further than within your own heart for as the ancients have spoken “all answers lie within”!

With much love and compassion to all whatever your journey may be……..


——- Michael

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