The Event    part two


Many people have been feeling deep sadness and fear. These are for several reasons. One reason being because you are feeling the collective consciousness of people on the planet as they go through this changing process. Another reason is that this process is pushing up deep old sadness that is lying beneath your conscious awareness or in other words in your unconscious.

The thoughts

of dying are also a combination of both. The thoughts of the people who are going through their own deaths or their families mourning there crossing over to the other side. The other reason for this thought of death and dying is due to your own personal identity is in a phase of transition which is often perceived of by the ego as a death/dying experience. As you make changes you will continue to feel these experiences of death, dying and potentially doom. But, fear not these are for most of you metaphoric in their nature. It is simply the ending of an old ego structure and belief system and nothing more. As long as you do not panic and just allow the feeling to float through it will pass relatively quickly. This will continue as long as the government’s allow for the fear pandemic to continue.


Fear right now is being propagated by the governments and those in control of the human world. There is a difference between awareness and fear. They are currently using fear rather than teaching awareness. They are using awareness as a disguise for propagating fear in order to manipulate the masses. How they are manipulating the masses I will leave up to you. But let’s say in my opinion it isn’t necessarily all positive and it happens to be money and control oriented.


There is also a sense of deep confusion. This is because your intuition and inner connection is being interfered with through the propagation of fear which creates confusion in the personality ego structure of the human being. Let’s say that on some level this is consciously being used. For our purposes here it is best for you to step out of the sadness and try to connect to your inner intuition and feel (not think) what your answers are. When you are in touch with your intuition there will no longer be confusion. When you are in touch with your mind confusion is possible through manipulation and fear. Again we will state that there is and should be awareness and appropriate behaviors based upon your physical circumstances just to simply care for your physical well-being.


There is also a deep sadness among many light workers and the spiritual people due to the appearing failure and disappointment of how this lifetime’s mission of successfully changing the direction of this planet into one of love and harmony has failed. I would say to you do not be disappointed by appearances, the show isn’t over yet! I would also like to acknowledge that much of this sadness is from those of you who have been in Atlantis, Lemuria and other civilizations where catastrophes destroyed lifetimes. This will not be one of them. So do your best not to allow your previous lifetimes of disappointment and sorrow to eliminate the potential of joy and change in this lifetime.


Yes, it is true this will be somewhat challenging but nowhere near what those other devastating times were. The endgame of this experience will be determined by the majority of the collective and their decision to move into love and harmony or take the old path of death and destruction. What is your vote? Whatever you have voted to see is your future experience visualize and meditate on it as much as possible. Bring into your life and experience as much of that feeling with those around you simply by loving and loving yourself.

It is not loving of your self to focus on other people’s pain and sadness for you cannot take it from them nor can you eliminate it for them. You are the director and creator of your own life. Love and live life as the love and that will allow others to witness your love and seek their own. By focusing on yourself in this way you will be able to have a wholesome experience without pain and suffering while this transition takes place.  You may however have a gratitude, a compassion and lend a helping hand where possible to honor their journey. This would be a very loving act of wisdom.


Some of you may be having very active dream time. This dream,time is allowing you to eliminate and resolve many of your own personal issues as well as assist in planetary resolution. So sleep, eat well, rest and allow.


Some of you will be facing many of your human patterning’s such as the need to produce, stay busy, family systems such as depression and anxiety or look at the future as to how my going to succeed after this pandemic is over. This is all unnecessary and simply mental and emotional human patterning. This time is actually to be used to be still and get connected with your inner self and those who you wish to enjoy in this life. As well as to release and resolve all this patterning and beliefs that limit your joy and love.

Please take advantage of this time for it will not last long and will have passed before you know it. Soon you will be back into the busyness of life in a new way and this golden opportunity will be gone. This time is an opportunity for you to set the stage for the next 1000 years of humanity.


It could be a world changer!

Be the LOVE and let your LOVE shine wisely!!!!


In the next post we will deal with some other topics that we have not yet addressed in regards to these changing times. See you next time.

—– Michael

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