THE EVENT        part 1

This event (April 2020) is a multidimensional, multi purpose event. Everyone is correct in some way with some misinterpretations for many. There are multiple levels in regards to this. One level is the seeming 3d/human level , another is your inner experience, third is the collective, fourth is the more spiritual /esoteric levels.


1st let’s deal with 3-D or the human level. This level is about changes In the way that the Earth world is being governed, manipulated and controlled. It is the breakdown of old systems and the potential for new systems. The potentials for the new systems are based upon the consciousness of all of humanity. Every vote counts so to speak. Basically this means that as every person chooses their level of consciousness that they want to evolve to will depend on the type of change that will occur in the Earth/human world.


This will look like the leaders of the different countries acting out or helping humanity, changes in economics, changes in the way people interact with each other and see the world. It will also involve people looking at death and dying to see if they see it as the old death and dying or if they see it as evolution and a new awakening.


It will also bring up an awakened feeling of connection to their humanity and an appreciation for the beauty and wonder that each individual gets to experience by being here on this Earth. Also do they see this as a metaphoric death or do they go into fear of their physical death. Then there is the fact that physical death at this time is an opportunity for those who want to leave the planet by their own Soul’s choice, not necessarily their human choice.


This event will also clearly bring up attachment issues and human programming as well as misperceptions and misunderstandings about life from the limited unconscious perspective. It is also about each persons choice to become an awakened human being and in touch with their divine essence or to remain unconscious controlled and asleep.


It is an opportunity to exercise free will and to eliminate/resolve your human programming and issues. Please see the next post entitled The Event part 2.


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