The answers remain hidden because people do not listen to their own heart.

Ask yourself:

  • why do I listen to others?
  • why am I afraid to be unique when my heart calls me to do so?
  • why do I not take the time to be still so that I may hear the calling of my heart?

As humans, you are not usually instructed to be still and listen to what your heart/spirit calls you to be.

You are often told it is “good” to follow directions, be busy and be productive.

This, in fact, separates you from your heart/spirit and creates a mental experience that distances you from feeling and being the divine loving being you are!

  • Be still
  • Feel/Listen to your heart
  • Quiet the mind
  • Connect to YOU/Your Divinity

Doing these simple things will bring the loving peace within that allows for you to obtain “the answers within” !!!!

LOVE (not human love) is all there is, you are that LOVE

Take the time to connect to you and dare to follow your inner guidance, see what you discover.

We stand at the precipice of the golden age, have the courage to spread your wings and fly.

Everything you ever believed or thought you knew may not be as real as you thought.

Be ready for great changes!!!

Much LOVE to you all,


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