Comparing Yourself With Others


How many times a day do you compare yourself to others? We do it in our careers. We do it with our family or friends, and on occasion, we even compare ourselves to complete strangers. There are some positive aspects of comparing yourself others. It can motivate you to go back to school and earn a different degree. It can also propel you to apply for a better job or look for ways to become a better person.

Unfortunately, there are real dangers in comparing yourself to others in life. Comparing who you are with others can trigger negative emotions and actions. You probably have experienced some of the following of these feelings:

  • Resentmentself acceptance
  • Jealousy
  • Envy
  • Obsession
  • Apathy
  • Self – judgment

Social media platforms continue to propel this constant need in many of us to compare ourselves with others. While the intention of many of these tools is to allow us to keep up with what others are doing, it is generating some negative feelings or in some instances a sense of lacking.

Be aware that while comparing yourself to others may be common, while allowing it to make you feel inferior will not yield a positive outcome. Instead, this act of comparison activities may even serve as an impediment that keeps you from actually living your life to its fullest.

You must learn to set yourself free from the bonds of comparison. We are all different, and thus, you have to make allowances for these differences.

How to Stop Comparing Yourself with Others

What can you do to stop comparing yourself to others?

The answer is simple, yet not. Be yourself, not what you believe you are supposed to be or who you were told you should be. Love you not your image or identity. Find what makes your heart sing and sing that song!

Be Thankful for Your Strengths and What You Have

Look for ways to be thankful for all that you have and what you are good at doing. Our minds are easily swayed to identify the negatives that surround us in life, but we have to practice being grateful for the things we do well or often take for granted.

For example, learn to be grateful for the job you do have, the people you love, the home or space in which you reside or the fact that you know where your next meal is coming from.

Look for Ways to express Your Heart’s Desire

Have you discovered your heart’s desire, your inner calling? Are you using it to enjoy yourself? Knowing your heart’s desire will affect others positively can be life changing.

Not only does the other person benefit from your love but you can internally experience a significant boost of joy just from expressing your heart.

Accept who you are becoming, who you are and all of the possibilities you may choose!

Leave all the comparisons and need for perfection behind!

Self Acceptance is a major step to Self Love

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