Relationship with Self


What is your relationship to yourself? Well most likely it’s the same relationship your parents had with you. So if Mom was critical you are probably critical of yourself if Dad was impatient chances are you’re impatient with yourself. If there’s one parent that you judged more harshly than the other. Guess what? That’s the parent you most imitate in your treatment of yourself.

A relationship with ourselves involves our self-talk, involves our beliefs about whether we’re good enough or worthy enough, it involves our programs, our perceptions of how we believe other people see us but it’s more than that too.


A relationship with our self involves connecting to our true self, for this discussion we’ll call our spirit. The part of ourselves that knows that all of these judgments are simply programs and beliefs that we’ve assumed to be true. It also knows that it is not who you really are. You are a divine being with none of these traits.


Who you really are is Spirit. It is who you are without all of the beliefs and programs you have come to identify with. Now you may or may not believe in spirit. But we’ve all experienced those times when we know something and have no idea how we know it. We’ve experienced those times when we know that we are something more than what can be seen, that we have potentials and possibilities that have not been tapped. These are connection to our spirit.

Deep down, under the programming and beliefs you are this beautiful, wise, loving being.

Is it time for you to awaken to this?

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