Create The Life You've Always Wanted
Michael Cavallaro is an author, artist, mentor, coach and international speaker who has dedicated his life to finding simple, practical tools for making permanent change. He has 40+ years of experience coaching, and has helped thousands of clients to look deeper within themselves and find answers that work for them.
Michael is the author of several books that help people in all areas of life, from parenting to relationships. His first published book, The 55 Concepts, A Guide to Conscious Living, forms the foundation for all that followed. Its concepts, while simple, have layers of meaning that take a lifetime to digest. The book has been read and practiced by people worldwide. His latest book, Searching For Oz, co-written with his wife, Adele Saccarelli-Cavallaro, is about the self-transformative process of overcoming abuse and trauma.
Michael is an Amazon #1 best-selling author, international speaker, and mentor who has dedicated his life to discovering what it means to be human, to get to the core of pain and break free from it.
His lifelong journey has made it possible to reach out beyond what is visible to tap into powerful energies. These energies are within and around all of us, but most of us suppress or are blinded to them. By achieving clarity and knowledge of the world around him, he is able to channel these powerful divine energies to help others experience multi-dimensional healing.
Make an appointment with Michael
Private Individual Consultation
One hour private consultation and an opportunity to make real advancement and change. This a free introductory session to make sure we are compatible and my expertise, requirements and skills are what you are looking for.
What People Say About Michael
“Michael Cavallaro came into our organization to work with several teams and individuals. He was able to very quickly get the teams to open up and share what was really going on. This was especially difficult as some teams were dealing with great challenges that existed, unacknowledged, for years.
“Michael inspired me with his 55 concepts. They are like a toolbox that I now use to reconstruct my life anyway I choose. For anyone with any difficulty or unhappiness in their life, somewhere within these concepts is a solution to the problem. Life is totally different once you apply these ideas, yet the only thing that changes is you!”
“Michael Cavallaro provided a clear and practical way of understanding principals that have been inspirational and instrumental to me. The mindful application of his 55 Concepts has led to an awareness and integration of the layers of my life towards healthy wholeness and true self.
My most asked questions
What can I expect from a session with Michael?
During the first session (which is 90 minutes), you’ll start by telling Michael about what’s happening in your life and what you’d like to change. He’ll ask questions and guide you to take a deeper look at the problem. Through this process you’ll gain new insights as to how you may have helped create the problem and possibilities to begin dissolving it. Over the course of your other appointments with him (sessions last approximately 60 minutes), you will talk about what is happening in your life today and also take a look at your hildhood to identify the root of the issues. Michael will ask questions along the way, provide guidance, and give you homework to do before the next session so you can maximize your sessions. You’ll gain tools and techniques that will assist you in making permanent change and having more of what you want in your life.
How long do sessions last?
Sessions last approximately one hour.
Can I work with Michael over the phone?
Yes, Michael ‘s practice is split, with half of his clients calling in over the phone/video and the other half meeting him in person. Phone/video sessions are just as effective as in person and have the added perk of flexibility! You can schedule your session during your lunch break, before work or anytime that’s convenient for you.
How often do I have to work with Michael to see a change?
It usually takes around 10 sessions (of once weekly sessions) to begin to experience a change.
How often should I work with Michael?
Most clients choose to schedule at least one weekly session, two for quicker results. The minimum for effectiveness is bi-weekly. Clients seeking lasting change you should plan to commit to at least 10 sessions.
How much do sessions cost?
The initial consultation will run for 90 minutes and costs $300. From there, sessions are one hour and cost $250 per hour. If you buy 10 session upfront, your first session will be free of charge (that’s 11 sessions for $2,500).*
*Sessions must be used within 12 months.
Another Way To Learn
From Michael
These courses will rock your world by making changes you never thought were possible!
The 55 Concepts: A Guide To Conscious Living

Dig deep within and go through the process of understanding the 55 Concepts, daily application in your life, authority change and personal authority, personal resistance, avoidance and self-judgement, looking outward with the concepts, looking inward at yourself, intimate relationships with family, and creating a life you desire.
Change Your Mind, Not Your Child

This course is for anyone who has been parented, is currently, or plans on becoming a parent. Oh wait, that is everyone here on earth! But not everyone here wants to know how your own upbringing and family influence your life experiences today. This can uncover what you can do to change the patterns that no longer serve you.
Invisible Challenges In The Workplace Course

Invisible Challenges govern and direct almost every aspect of a person’s life. This particular topic is barely understood. The closest to any understanding is that this is some psychological mumbo-jumbo.
Relationships: A New Paradigm In Human Consciousness Course

This course is for anyone who is in a relationship, any relationship. It is a chance for you to know how and why you end up in certain relationships. We walk you through how your own upbringing and family influences your life experiences today. Uncover what you can do to change the patterns that no longer serve you in your relationships.
Self Discovery
Inner Awakening Course

Are you ready to discover your True Self? Embark on a breathtaking and unique journey toward finding your True Self. You will see life in a completely new way! Here’s a chance to utilize tools to look within, master your human experience, awaken to a new sense of Self, and discover a new way of being.
Thoughts, Beliefs, Knowings
and Attitudes Course

This course details how your thoughts, beliefs, knowings and attitudes affect your life in both conscious and unconscious ways. As we become conscious of how these work and how we created them, and we can change them and create new realities for ourselves. Thereby changing the way you experience life and allowing for you to become the creation of your life rather than a victim of life.