When it comes to manifestation, your emotions and beliefs have great influence in accelerating or to detering this process. This is because emotions have the ability to influence neural connections, to improve the imprinting of behaviors and habits, and to change your motivation and outlook toward something. You must however keep in mind that beliefs create emotions.

Beliefs Create Emotions and Influence of Emotions Manifesting


Our brains operate on principles of repetition. When you have a thought, it is not likely to stay and become a routine or habit unless you have the same thought again and again. The more you strengthen the neural connection between a specific stimulus and an action or consequence, the more likely this is to become part of your regular thought routine, to become a thought you have easily and without much effort.

You Must Be Conscious of Your Thoughts


When you are learning new habits, emotions can help your neural connections to grow stronger and at a faster rate. That is, when an experience is positive, such as when you are enjoying learning a new hobby, the neural connections that turn this action into something you will remember and want to do in the future are made stronger and more readily.


Autopilot Is Another Word For Being Unconscious


Happiness, love, joy, and other positive feelings can help you learn faster, adopt new behaviors and habits, and associate specific actions or choices with positive feelings.


Positive Thought and Beliefs Contribute To Manifestation


While Negative Thoughts and Beliefs Hinder Manifestation


Therefore, using positive emotions and changing negative beliefs helps enhance the manifestation process in multiple ways. By developing more positive thoughts and beliefs you create positive feelings. Then you are more likely to engage in more choices and behaviors that contribute to manifestation. By making these changes positive and more desirable things manifest more often. You are then more likely to experience and manifest what it is you want in life.


Create that which you choose and stop choosing to create what you have been programed to create.


Good fortune and much Love,


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