Many people are searching for “meaningful” relationships. Some reasons for this search are, to “complete” themselves, to feel “fulfilled,” to love or be loved by someone, etc. These are but a few common reasons for people getting into relationships. Of course, there are many more reasons, as many as people can imagine…

What most people don’t understand is that you cannot have a fully meaningful relationship with another until you have a meaningful relationship with yourself.

Having a meaningful relationship with yourself means going on an inner journey of self-discovery. In this process, the objective is to learn about your patterned behaviors and belief systems that contribute to any or all challenges you have had in the past and may still have in having relationships with others.

Four steps to know  how to have meaningful relationships:

  1. Self-discovery – Inner exploration of your beliefs, patterned behaviors, and attitudes towards other people.
  2. Change – Find processes that assist you in making changes in your behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes.
  3. Unconditional acceptance of yourself – Once you have discovered some of your behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes, in regards to relationships- accept them! Know these are just programs that can be changed. Change the ones that don’t work, in regards to having meaningful relationships, and keep the ones that work.

A true meaningful relationship requires that both partners and their inner male and female are in the process of growth and balance.

˜ Michael

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