Four Steps to Being a Creator


  1. Recognize, acknowledge and have the knowing that you exist. That you are more than a human being.

  2. Recognize, acknowledge and have the knowing that one is the all and all is the one.

  3. Be the knowing that you get back in life what you put out into life. This relates to the law of resonation and creation.

  4. Be free of limitations and know that change is the only constant.



 Being a Creator Tips and Concepts:

The great manifestor is your God/Self, your I AM Presence. And it manifests your human experience.

Your human does not manifest. And when you, the human, integrate with your Soul/Spirit, you plural (meaning all aspects of you) become the manifestor.

This is wholeness. This union now brings to you the knowing of the All That IS. And you then become the Beingness and Knowingness of Your Divine Self.

The divine self is the union of your body, mind and spirit, in whatever terms you choose to describe this.

Manifestation is not a human creation. Manifestation comes from the union of the human, Soul/Spirit.

And the human consciously knowing that the blueprint maker, your Divine Self is the director and that the human is the facilitator.

Art this point there is a sense of: I AM at One with Self at all levels and you realize….. You are the manifestation.

You, the human, are the manifestation of your Divine Self here on earth manifesting,


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