The feminine and masculine principles are multi-level in their understandings. There are several components that must be addressed and understood when discussing this topic. They are:


  • this principle is not about gender
  • this principle is about men, women, humanity and physics
  • this needs to and can be understood in everyday practicality, relationships, inner personal growth and the physics/spirituality of our universe.


Masculine and Feminine are in truth a way of saying polarity. Polarity comes in positive (masculine in its activity). negative (feminine in its activity). These are true laws of physics and divine principles of our universe.


Our society is so out of touch with this topic that they focus on gender and stereo types and overlook the base definition of feminine and masculine. They struggle to not be stereotyped as a man or woman, male or female etc that they miss the essence of this principle.


One culture that had this really pretty accurate was the ancient Chinese. They worked with the Yin – feminine and the Yang – masculine energies. This is the core principle involved here. It is about innate divine qualities not gender or cultural beliefs.


In dating or relationships most people refer to the cultural male or female behaviors and way of thinking and then make judgment about them. This is not truly feminine or masculine, it is the gender related belief system passed on from generation to generation associated with gender of which the flaws are many for both genders.


Men and women both posses these two qualities. The male body represents the activity of the masculine principle and the woman body represents the feminine principle. However both genders can display one or both qualities.


Add to this that each individual no matter what gender is a unique balance or imbalance of these principles. So everyone will experience this differently.


Therefore we cannot accurately judge or comment on anyone without placing our misperception, judgment or our own polarity onto the other person.


In the end my advice is to live and let live, live without judgment as much as possible and discuss behaviors and human qualities as what they are; behaviors, beliefs and choices. not feminine or masculine or gender causes.


With love and wishing you joy,




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