Family Gatherings and Family Evolution

This audio discusses the healthy evolution of family and the natural progression of a truly connected family. Understanding family gatherings, social politeness and respect of the family evolution into the next generations. The following is a transcript of the audio.


Family, Growth and Pods


These are challenging in the sense. That the variables will be based upon how much you liked your family growing up to how much you disliked it to how heavily you were programmed about family and what it was supposed to be. And what is natural is often overlooked and misunderstood. What tends to happen is that as children mature, they go through the process of breaking away from their parents, becoming their own individuals and having their own life.

That metaphor usually happens by the time they’re a teenager or a late teen. And. The exact same thing happens when they begin to have their own relationships. They go through, this is my relationship. It’s not to be shared with the family. Just like when you wanted to be an individual, then it goes through the, this is my new family.

And the people that I’m focused on, just like when you’re a teenager and you want to have a relationships outside of the house and you’re not home anymore. So to speak, then there is the maturing of that, where you develop your own new family. With new people, creating new relationships and things that are your own, just like when you’re 18 and leave the house and theoretically, leave the house and move out on your own. Having your own apartment, move in with somebody.

The same metaphor principle goes as when you move from a child to an adult and then, once you start your adulthood, the same metaphor goes from that to the mature adult in creating and having your own family. Now, how this fits in to understanding families is that if you have liked or been severely programmed, that the family is everything and holidays and births are all related and musts.

You will try to continue that with your siblings and your birth family and have regular get togethers at the birthdays and your birth family is still the primary focus. So you go every week to visit them. So you talk to the parents every week or every day, depending on how ingrained you are in the birth family.

As you mature and create your own family, there usually becomes a split where you want to continue your birth family habits and programming, or you want to move into a new one, creating your own family with your own habits and your own holidays. And so this is where the difficulty comes in with family.

The birth family usually feels unloved or dished or not important because you’re breaking the tradition. You’re breaking the things that meant you were a family and there’s this whole fear of loss of family and the identity that you were raised with. And that fear starts to cause people to hold on and then get mad at each other within the family.

So between the siblings or the parents and the children, they get mad at each other because they are not holding the family together. And so there becomes this clutching type of energy to hold the family together because you’re taught from birth that the family is the most important thing. But what they neglected to tell you is that once you’re old enough to leave the house, the birth family is no longer the priority.

The birth family needs to become secondary. Your new family as adventuring into the world with a new spouse or partner or children needs to be your primary family. And that’s what you hold together now. And then as a secondary basis where optional you integrate with the birth family, your new family, as a form of just staying connected between generations.

But. People don’t understand this graduation. And then they make meaning like they don’t like us anymore. They’re not talking to us anymore. You’re doing things that aren’t part of us. And they are because they’re not supposed to the birth family needs to become secondary in the sense that focus and time is put in with the new partner wife or children.

And the birth family becomes a fit in so to speak. And it’s allowed and it’s understood because it’s all healthy because it’s natural to create the next generation, which will create the next generation rather than everybody living in the past generations and keeping focused on the old, this is a form of evolution that is not understood because the familial practice has been.

Hold all of the family together. And the oldest birth family is the matriarch or the patriarch of the system. And they don’t want to let go because of their own fears and their own issues, but it has to be seen that. The matriarch or patriarch of the system has to be passed on to each generation.

So if you have four or six children, there will be four or six new generations governed by some matriarchal or patriarchal organization. That’s for that new family. And if the original birth family does not clutch to them, they will be more desiring to come back and reunite to keep the generations connected.

But if you clutch at them or cause upsetment, because they’re not staying connected with the birth family, then that will drive them away and make them want to be further away from the original birth family, because it’s the only way that they can emotionally safely create their new world that is theirs to take into the future.

They’re not developing a new family to drag the old birth family into the future. The old birth family is old. It is literally defunct. At the age of maturity, when the child leaves the nest. At that point, it is simply a memory that’s kept alive because people care about each other or really enjoyed each other.

It’s not an obligation. And so it shouldn’t be clutching onto the next generations as they evolve. They should be allowed to evolve freely and not be seen as leaving the fold. You should see them as creating the next generation of the future folds and how loving these generations, except the changes and the growth of each individual who leaves the birth nest.

This is the optimal way of doing it. And. There are different perspectives that carry this into challenges. One, if you hate your birth family, and it was awful, the desire to leave it as very easy and taken off and dishing, those people is not very difficult. And so leaving all the siblings in the family is just a blessing because you get to create a new life that doesn’t have as much anguish or just function.

Now, if you’ve liked the family or some part of it, the desire to create more of what you liked with those same people, as you get older is sort of natural, but can get overbearing in the sense that you do not allow each person to create their next generational family. And require them to be part of the old birth family.

If you allow them to intermingle, you can at times enjoy them because you are with. Not because it has to be because it’s part of the birth family. It allows them the respect and honoring to have the creation of their own with the loving welcomeness of them returning to engage and keep the connection of the original birth family.

Whichever is oldest that is still alive while they’re still alive. And so the differences become whether you like the family or didn’t like the family, or didn’t like the people in the family and didn’t get along or did get. And one of the difficulties in loving your birth family is that you often want to carry a tradition or the same rules into the future.

Just simply making the family bigger, not allowing the individuals to create their own pod, if you will, in order to have their own experience and then bringing all the pods together. That is actually the healthiest form of family by allowing each pod to developed and then return like a family reunion.

Rather than keep the same family traditions, where you have to do the same birthdays and the same holidays, and everybody has to be together or somebody’s dishing the family, or they’re not being respectful or they don’t care. All that is just nonsense because you can’t let them develop their own. It’s often done lovingly or with the intent of love because they enjoyed that family or love the people in it, but it is a non loving approach to development of the human culture.

So this becomes a challenge between siblings and parents because of these different misunderstandings and these different traditions and the difference between club. And allowing remember the clutching is when you’re trying to pull other family members back into the unit to do the old family behaviors, which will literally start to drive them away and create wedges between people versus allowing each family to, or each sibling to develop their own new pod.

And then at will. And in cooperation, bring the pods together to reunite as a recognition of connection. But knowing that, that pod is the future, the old birth family is the past and they do not live together. They simply live connected. What should also be understood is that the reconnection times established by the birth family, which were celebration.

Should become optional for the other pods. They don’t have to come to all of them, but as a form of honoring connection and love, they should come to some, that’s just, we’ll say a social grace to show that the people you love are still connected to you, even if it’s only a couple of times a year, that is what the drifting pods for.

And as the drifting pods who don’t remain connected, start to drift and never come back, it begins to actually throw a panic into the base family birth family. And so they actually intermittently will clutch more or feel offended because they’re not even being honored a couple of times a year. So there has to be this give and take where all the celebration times from the birth family are not required, but a couple just for family graces and social connection is important.

And allowing that to become less and less rather than all of the celebration times be acknowledged. It is important for the individual to know that this is natural in a healthy family system, but the problem in some of this comes when the. Drifting pods no longer connect to anybody and don’t come back unless they’re drug back or reminded.

And they don’t do it out of a social grace and awareness. It now throws a panic into the birth family. People who still want to remain connected, even if the pods are drifting. So that panic nail creates a certain fear within the people. In the birth family saying all of my connections are being broken.

And those connections with the birth family and the pods are literally metaphors for the disconnect from source. When we left source and we drifted into soul families and we drifted into individuated incarnations. That is the same metaphor as the human family and the pod system. So oftentimes traumas from those higher realms will bleed through, into the family issues as well as previous lifetimes that these type of wounds or scars did occur.

So it’s learning again, levels, one human to soul, three divine, and how those metaphor into the human family and pod system. Versus we have to all remain together. So we don’t feel separate, which ultimately seems to be a core of fear when one has left source and has been in the worlds of form and has felt alone and, or wounded or abandoned by source itself or anyone within the divine family.

And so the same thing carries through as a metaphor into the human birth family pod system. We just described.



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