Denial & Repression


We tend to deny and repress what we do not want to see or feel. Often we know it is important for us to see.

In this state, we find every which way to do everything else but that which we need to do, feel our feelings!

It is our fear of the perceived pain that will occur from feeling those feelings.

It is because of what it means to us to look at the things we don’t want to look at that we deny and repress the inner self-reflection to observe that which has created our difficulty: the perceived pain.

Denial and repression are two energies we use to prevent us from revealing to ourselves.

At some level, we believe that denial and repression are helping us not to feel the pain of some sort.

The truth is- its all bogus!

Denial and repression only cause other problems. They do not alleviate the pain! They only cause more pain by ignoring that which needs to be dealt with.