Creating Your Reality


How do we create our reality, you might ask.


The following is a brief description to help you understand and maybe even change life as you perceive it,

People unconsciously are constantly looking for signs to prove the truth about their beliefs, for example; the world is dangerous, men are worthless, women are mean, I am worthless, life is hard, and I am sabotaging myself. These beliefs, both conscious and unconscious, are anchors that limit us and create the life we experience.


FYI – Self sabotage does not truly exist!  It is a perception from an external viewpoint about another person.

In truth, it is actually self fulfillment of unconscious and conscious beliefs, that we are interpreting life through.


Our brain waves are operating in multiple frequencies (quantum physics) that are related to emotional states and belief systems, such as fear, shame, pride, happiness, depression, anxiety, worthlessness, lovable, superior and good/bad thinking, etc.

By bringing our brain waves into a more balanced/natural patterning that is not being directed by these emotions and belief systems, it stabilizes and balances those frequencies and the resulting emotions that go along with them. Thereby creating a more pleasant state of being. However this is only part of what needs to be changed.

Our conscious and unconscious beliefs are put there or installed by us (both consciously and unconsciously) based upon our perceptions of the world around us and are created to protect or help us in life. The problem is that 90% of these beliefs were created by the time we were 6 years old. And if you think about this, how accurate could the perceptions of a small child be?

When we feel safe enough both consciously and unconsciously, we will then and only then, be ready to let these beliefs go. Until then we learn to cope. We go to therapy, read, make improvements etc. and yet usually this is not enough. That is because the quantum/energetic frequencies and the beliefs that hold them there have not shifted in the unconscious mind.

At this time, we (Adele and Michael) can then apply the processes we have developed to release both the frequencies that drive the beliefs and the beliefs themselves.

How long that will take is up to each individual and his/her own readiness. That readiness is not just the conscious mind, which is why sometimes we think we are ready for change but do not. When the unconscious part of us is not yet ready these issues continue to return.

This is a journey of change and awareness. There is no magic bullet or pill.

You are creating your reality every moment!


The Power of Change lies within each one of us!

As Glinda the good witch says:

” You Have Always Had the power, my dear!
You just had to learn it for yourself “


Wishing you the joy you desire,


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