Freedom from Limitation- Return to the Illusion or Conscious Discernment

As you get triggered by something,
a pattern or a behavior gets triggered,
and you’re in the process of growing
and you’ve made great changes or some changes,
what can happen is:
That a left over memory or pattern
in the brain or mind body
gets triggered.
And if you do not discern
whether it is real or a memory
                                                   You can go back into the old behaviors and feelings
                                                                and believe they are real for that moment
                              and then you act out old ways of being thereby bringing the old experience into the now.
Or you could discern
that this isn’t a reality today
and that you were having a memory
and say to self
“That is just simply a memory
that I do not need to participate in and
resolve this remnant of the old me”
This will begin to change
what’s left in the neural netting/
the patterns that are left.
This is a choice,
but you have to use conscious discernment to move forward rather than act out with old feelings and responses.
— Michael Cavallaro
The Human Mastery Course

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