Being A CommunicationClear Communicator

When you are not a clear communicator, you are basically saying to the other person, “I do not care about you. I do not care about your feelings. I do not care about your wishes. I don’t care what you want. I only care about myself.” So from another twist, the poor communication skills is another way to say to someone else, “You do not matter. I am the only thing that matters.”

So in essence you borrow their feelings or their attention and you misplace it. Because when you don’t clearly communicate, they eventually have no interest in what you have to say or get frustrated and angry with you for getting their attention and then basically discarding it. It is no different than when you borrow someone else’s things and you don’t return them. You are borrowing their energy and you are not returning it. You are absorbing their energy and using it; and then just leaving it wherever you want to leave it because you really don’t care about them.

This is the same as borrowing something from someone and not returning their item. The only difference is that because it is a physical thing, people tend to blame each other because you didn’t return the thing. And when you do not return the attention or their energy, it is disregarded because it is invisible. So this would be more of the invisible challenges that people have in that they create the problems for themselves.

We are talking about the average human being and the way they feel, because a conscious human being won’t take it personally. They will just know not to communicate with you any longer. But the average human being will read this through their own paradigm and see that you have discarded their energy or used their energy and then misplaced it and not returned a like energy. So therefore there is no energetic exchange and someone is always short changed.

Being a clear communicator changes your life. It sends a message to others that you care, that you are a partner and someone who respects others. This in turn attracts people who will do the same for you. By being a clear communicator to everyone is a form of self love. Clear communication states that you care about your experience and relationships. Living this way attracts more joyful interactions and enhances everyone’s life. love


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