Karma and Law
The true definition of Law is: the tendency of a series of events to repeat itself therby judged and assumed factual and true..
When we see one event
Relationship with Self
What is your relationship to yourself? Well most likely it's the same relationship your parents had with you. So if Mom was critical you are probably critical of
Would you like to achieve inner peace? Are you exhausted by the guilt, pain, and resentment you have carried through life?
Are you tired of responding impulsively, negatively or overreacting? If
The Deepest Truth about the Light and Dark.....
Darkness was created to give the light an opportunity to experience itself, and somehow it is become that darkness is bad and light
The following are 10 tenets of self-love.
These are internal qualities that an individual must have in order to obtain or connect with their own self love.
There is no
A Defining Moment
In Your Life
The old phrase "A Defining Moment" is so accurate as to what actually happens in life.
I would like to define A Defining Moment.....
A defining moment
10 Skills and Tools for a Loving Relationship
Here are 10 Tools and Skills for a Loving Relationship
A commitment to self love
A commitment to the relationship
Become aware
Now that we have looked at a lot of the human life repercussions of this event and have hopefully clarified many things for some of you we will look at
The Event part two
Many people have been feeling deep sadness and fear. These are for several reasons. One reason being because you are feeling the collective consciousness of people on