Being A Clear Communicator
When you are not a clear communicator, you are basically saying to the other person, “I do not care about you. I do not care about your
Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and what you do professionally?
Hello I am Michael Cavallaro. I am
Family Gatherings and Family Evolution
This audio discusses the healthy evolution of family and the natural progression of a truly connected family. Understanding family gatherings, social politeness and respect of the
Watch here: The Divine Marriage Within
Video podcast on the inner male and female aspects within each of us. follow this link for more
We can resolve trauma permanently
Now, this may sound like a bold statement, but after 40 years of working with people and trauma, I have come to believe this is a
Self-esteem is the level of self-confidence or value a person has about themselves. It has no basis in reality about a person’s essence. Self-esteem is overrated and beaten to death
Freedom from Limitation- Return to the Illusion or Conscious Discernment
As you get triggered by something,
a pattern or a behavior gets triggered,
and you're in the process of growing
and you've made great