All of the Art Theory Shit

The last word is key. “Art Theory Shit.” Who is to say it’s not expressive, who is not say whether it took a long amount of time or short amount of time, that it’s art or not art? So who is to say what is skill and what is not skill? This is all just a bunch of shit. You believe in it, then you judge yourself by somebody else’s bullshit standards. Who do you think made up these art ideals? People. Anybody could have made them up. You make up new ones today, and in 100 years somebody who wants to believe them will have other values to judge themselves by. It’s all crap.

The only question you have as an artist is, can you do what you want to do? Can you do what you love to do? Technical skill is just a bunch of crap. It’s just saying that you can follow someone’s rules and someone will approve of what you did and then that’s art. “Expressive” or “Have meaning to it” is all crap because it is all up to the interpreter whether it has meaning or not. This is really common in artists, period. They take on all of these ideas of what people say it should be, ought to be, technical stuff, expressive stuff and they have no original thought, no original concepts, no original creations.

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