A Creator Feels Their Creation


The only way you can create is to feel it or be in it, already know its existence from a feeling stand point.  

If it is from a mental standpoint it is what we would label as a goal because a goal has not occurred but from a creation process it has been created and now how do I make it visible.

By feeling it we just mean that you are it. You have become the frequency of the thing that you wanted to create,

when you have become that frequency then it is in existence and then it will manifest into your reality.


You are on an endless journey all about discovery.

a creator creating something joyful

There is no end to your life stream,
only an eternal journey of discovery and experience.

When you truly embrace this,
you will find that every experience in life
leads you to a new wisdom
or confirms wisdom you already had.
When you become a truly sovereign creator being,
you no longer seek the end of the journey.

Then you are able to smell the roses
and enjoy your life no matter where it takes you,
what the weather is or who you’re with.
The journey is always all about you.
The only magic that gets you there faster
is connecting to your own soul spirit,
awakening and integrating your spirit into your human experience
while living the human life with wonder, creation and enjoyment.

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