Yin Yang Tai Chi Ball


Create from your knowing not from your need. When you create from need, you create neediness. And you also create from constriction. Have that constriction there is limitations to what you will actually be able to receive or experience.


There is no fear involved. Need is driven by fear. And it is lack oriented. Creating from your knowing comes when you are connected with yourself or your I AM Presence. And through this, know that you are everything. And your creation is simply the manifestation of what already exists. Not something that is not there that you need to have or want to have so that you can feel safe or comfortable or happy.

When the knowingness of your spirit is communicated through the heart to the human self, manifestation may take place without limitation, instantly, quickly, easily, gracefully, no difficulty, even at some point, no process. Process free. No steps, just the knowingness in the heart and because the human and spirit are in union, the frequencies can manifest instantaneously in form. So that becomes instant manifestation, without desire.

Manifestation from knowingness is the key. Desire is corrupted by the ego/personality, mass consciousness and programing. When one creates from that desire, one is creating from a limited perspective that is not pure. When one creates or manifests from the knowingness of their heart, it is a knowingness; it is not a want; it is not a desire; it is a knowingness. I AM this. I AM this experience. That is a pure manifestation which is never corrupt; which is created from the pure love of your spirit. That is true manifestation.

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