Become the director/creator of your life.

Try not be caught up in the direction of your life.   

This simply means, direct the life that you want to live from the place of stillness within.

By doing this you can still have a great interactive experience of living a life on earth.

Do not get caught up in day to day dramas in life because you will become lost in all of its processes and all of its beliefs. You may get indoctrinated into all of its ideas, concepts and misperceptions which will suck you into the swirl of life.

This will definitely disconnect you from your center/heart or place of direction. Once you get disconnected from your heart, happiness and joy become a task.

Focus on your center/heart and peace, happiness and contentment will be yours.

We have included below one of Michael’s relaxing music tracks for you to enjoy.

Sit back , relax and let yourself imagine what you want your life to be like and allow the music to set you free from your mind and all the drama in life

The track is called: Inner Angelic Recesses

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