Adele and Michael's ART

Adele's Art

Check out Adele's latest Pastel


Michael's Art

Michael has a passion for mixed media art. He also loves to show others how they can express themselves through art.
You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle a paint brush, glue things together, or color a picture.
We can unravel hidden aspects about ourselves and bring to the surface things that we've wondered about and more importantly, things that affect our everyday lives.
Attend a class, if you are local
(Upper Perkiomen Valley, Pa.)
"Ancora Imparo"
I am still learning. And we still are...
- Michelangelo's Motto
These pieces are also sold at art shows and may not be available.
Please inquire on our contact form.
in the Galaxy
While creating this painting, it felt like I was in another galaxy for a moment!
I began the background with acrylic blue paint and had no idea that I would be adding planets to it and then witnessing a ball of light that would pass through the painting.
I added texture to the planets to add depth and the ball of energy that came in my art room was painted very fast as I felt it.
Weird, right?

KnoWell from NATURAL AWAKENINGS - Bucks/Montgomery Counties
Creative Expressions Art from Heart
By Mandy Francis
Most people, if asked to participate in an art class, would cringe unless they had art skills. Living Concepts LLC, a Pennsburg business committed to assisting individuals with personal growth, knows that artistic skill isn't necessary to tap into one's creative self. Their innovative approach, Creative Expressions, offers a multidimensional approach to accessing inner creativity while also addressing personal limitations.
The program is for all ages and levels, with no prior art experience required. Traditional art classes usually teach only basic skills, but this class is about heartfelt art, not structure and technique. Using different art mediums, participants are encourage to express their inner essence through their personal artwork. When they encounter limits to their creativity, a facilitator works with them to remove those limitations. Expressing our inner selves through art brings joy. At a deeper level, the limitations we encounter as we create art can be metaphors for areas in life where we may have challenges. As Creative Expressions students become aware of how their artistic limitations mirror aspects of their lives, they are able to choose to make positive, lasting changes in an environment that is light-hearted and fun. Living Concepts, LLC, the business behind Creative Expressions, is based on the works and wisdom of founder Michael Cavallaro, an abstract artist who has been teaching and facilitating for the past 30 years. As he traveled throughout the world, exploring various holistic and spiritual modalities, Cavallaro realized that while the goal of many healing modalities is to develop an awareness of one's internal life, they rarely truly focus on how to integrate their teachings with daily life in a practical way.

Cavallaro explains, "A person's experiences establish their beliefs and behavior patterns, and those beliefs and patterns in turn impact the body, mind and spirit. In order to create true internal change, a person needs to both become aware of and consciously choose the type of life they wish to live. Creative Expressions offers that by allowing participants to bother recognize and consciously choose to remove limitations, all while have fun.
Creative Expressions is a holistic process in that it can be effective in all areas of life: Parenting, personal growth, relationships, career and more, It does not offer a quick fix, and it is, most importantly, self-directed. "Waking up is a life-long adventure," Cavallaro advises, "but we are able to lay the groundwork and provide simple tools so that change can begin whenever the individual is ready.
"The beauty of this process is that anyone can participate. The only requirement is desire to change and the willingness to do whatever it take to make that happen."

"Every piece I do is spontaneous and intuitive - a unique manifestation of invisible creative energy into the visible, that excites the senses. I enjoy doing custom commissioned pieces, where I tune into the individual and interpret the energy/feeling I get onto the canvas with color and texture. Art is meant to be felt as well as seen! If you take the time to gaze at my aret, and then let your mind go, you can take a sensually visual adventure with each piece; you will feel the magic...filled with texture, color and inner sensory awakenings. Expressing our inner selves through art brings joy! All art is healing. The healing energy is for both the artist and the viewer. You are the artist of your own life. Make something beautiful." - Michael Cavallaro
By Adele Saccarelli-Cavallaro
I took this photo of the Atlantic Ocean in Sea Isle City, NJ and then created a pastel of it!
I remember the day that I placed a pastel in my hand in my 30's. It was like I was a child again! The child that I knew before my trauma where I took pleasure in coloring, playing, skipping about and feeling free to explore and create.
Back then, I allowed myself to play and be free, instead of being on guard - on alert - to make sure no one would trap me in a room and take advantage. After the age of 6, my life was controlled and calculated. I couldn't sit still for too long, moving about to make sure I was safe at all times, not trusting anyone.
I must say, Pasteling was quite different in my 30's than it is today as a 58 year old. In my 30's, I couldn't always sit for too long and pastel but now, after working on my INNER SELF, when I pick up a pastel, I get lost in my creations and can pastel for hours. I am free, like a child who plays with chalk on their driveway, because I took the time to heal. Now I feel safe wherever I am going and whatever I am creating!
Adele Pastels