Adele Saccarelli-Cavallaro


I love sharing this life-changing process with people. For me, personally, it wasn't easy at times and it took great perseverance. 

Most of us have to learn to accept about ourselves the parts that we most want to deny, the parts that cause us some guilt, fear and maybe even grief. For those who are willing to do what it takes and pick themselves up even when they stumble, their lives will result in true contentment.  

I also enjoy bringing women together, listening to their experiences and having just fun with like-minded, open-hearted women. We have a 7-acre lot that is just beautiful and ready to be shared. Keep scrolling, to learn more about women gatherings and so much more! 

If you are ready for my Inner Work Coaching, get yourself on my calendar! 

Love Adele

"Every time I meet with Adele, I come away feeling a little less unstuck from whatever is holding me back from letting my creativity fly free. She helps me identify the "whatever is holding me back" so I can stare it in the face, shake its hand and see it out my door. Adele is a caring, knowing guide - and icing on the cake, she's loads of fun as a partner in my quest to unlock my mojo!"  - Patti 

About my 1:1 Inner Work Coaching sessions: 

I'm glad you're here! This is a place where you can get honest about the challenges in your life that are preventing you from experiencing a life of freedom and peace inside. You already have what it takes to win at life. What you may lack is someone who's willing to help you find the things that are keeping you stuck. But look no further, allow me to assist you in experiencing the life you deserve. 

Often times people run from the emotional debris that is around and within them, which makes self-love impossible. These tornado-like emotional symptoms are more common than you think.  Life can be pretty damn tough when you have these emotions running simultaneously, while living your life! These emotions are invisible, and many  don't want to talk about them. They bury them, but trust me, they are not gone! They seep through your thoughts and conversations. And at some point, you cannot hide from them. You have to face them, like I did and what I teach in my 1:1 sessions.  

So whatever you're going through - challenges with anxiety, an intimate relationship or with a parent, child or sibling, a business executive with ADHD symptoms, I can help you get to the eye of the storm to feel the calmness."  CLICK the button ABOVE if you are ready, already! 


Most Asked Questions
about Adele's 1:1 sessions

How often should I work with Adele?

Adele recommends a minimum bi-monthly. Clients seeking lasting change, should plan to commit to at least 10 sessions.

How much do sessions cost?

If you are just planning on doing (1) Enhanced Inner Work session, It will cost $210. If you choose to work with me 2x/month, price goes down to $195, then $180 for 3x/month, $165 for 4x/month. Price drops to $150 when you book for 8 weeks and pay upfront. ($1200).  

Creator-Motivator Sessions ($125 - 30 minutes)

Wholistic Readings ($75 - 30 minutes)

ADHD Business Coaching ($165/weekly - 1 hour)

Short on money at this time? Consider Adele's Online Group Wholistic Chats - ($25)

What can I expect from a session with Adele?

During a 1:1 session, you’ll start by telling Adele about what’s happening in your life and what you’d like to change. She’ll ask questions and guide you to take a deeper look at the problem. Through this process you’ll gain new insights as to how you may have helped create the problem and possibilities to begin dissolving it. You will sometimes delve into your childhood to identify the root of the issues. Adele will provide guidance, and give you homework to do before the next session. You’ll gain tools and techniques that will assist you in making permanent change and having more of what you want in your life.

How long do sessions last?

Sessions last approximately one hour.

Can I work with Adele over the phone?

Yes, Adele ‘s practice is split, with half of her clients calling in over the phone/video and the other half meeting her in person. Phone/video sessions are just as effective as in person and have the added perk of flexibility! You can schedule your session during your lunch break, before work or anytime that’s convenient for you.

How often do I have to work with Adele to see a change?

Each and every session will result in some kind of change. 


A Story of LOVE - Redemption - Soul Searching - Death - and more await Dottie on her quest for the MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN..

This book is based on a true story! 

Names have been changed to protect the guilty and the innocent. It's about my journey to consciousness. I am forever grateful for the MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!

There are many other ways to
participate in our process!



Bring your friends to one of my magical events and ENJOY snacks, refreshments and meet other women, like yourself!
Every 2nd
 Thursday of the Month: 
Sept. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Dec. 12, 2024

Pay via venmo

Location and Topic - TBA


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“Overnight Retreat for Women”

Where a group of women gather to share what's going on in their lives. 

(Please indicate if you want to book a private group of friends, family or colleagues)

Maybe you are in a high-pressure job and/or having trouble with a partner, siblings or kids? It is time to eliminate burn-out at work, ruminating thoughts, and/or challenges with relationships. 

The Secrets stop here! You know the ones...the secrets that you keep to yourself  and have you feeling guilty, maybe angry, sad or even shameful or apathetic. 


It's time to get in touch with you again. Enjoy some nature, a campfire, talk with other women and make some friends.

Come to an overnight retreat and let’s make the unspoken known with an opportunity to change your personal life, workplace, and/or relationships. 

More importantly, do something for yourself and take a break from your everyday life.







 Adele's Creator-Motivator  30 minute coaching session

Do you have an idea or a new creation that you want to get off the ground, but you feel stuck? Or maybe this idea is just not taking off the way you thought it would.  Maybe you are not quite sure where to begin. These sessions will give you the feeling of someone is holding your hand each step of the way as you work through your challenges.

This is done without changing who you are and what you have come to bring to the earth!

"Adele's coaching in directing creativity, time management and dealing with anxiety is impeccable and makes things in life run smoothly. She will bring you clarity. She will assist you in making your idea come to life!"

 I would recommend 1x/week for the first month (30 minute sessions)

Any challenges with booking or paying, 

please text me @ 215.680.2351

Call/Text/Email - 215.680.2351,



For those of you who are in the business world and have ADHD or even symptoms of ADHD, you have come to the right place.

This service is about changing what you believe about yourself & then dissolving your fears, guilts and shame, so that you may experience the inner peace and fulfillment that you deserve. I will help you bring internal focus, transitioning and better communication to your life. You may find it difficult to focus, prioritize and keep track of things in life and career. The inability to control impulses can range from impatience waiting in line, expressing ideas at a business meeting, poor time management skills, disorganization, restlessness, anxiety or relationship challenges.  I can walk you through the smoke and fog of these symptoms so you come out with a clear focus and internal contentment! 

Adele can help because she has been there!

This lack of focus and success is displayed in many different ways. It may show up as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance use, impulsivity or isolation. Or you may be highly sensitive, empathic, overly social and even workaholics. Factors such as boredom, lack of sleep and stress, difficulty staying on task, paying attention, daydreaming, tuning out or feeling feeling overwhelmed impact how well you adapt to certain work and social environments.

Adele takes you beyond managing. Effective strategies take you beyond work and peer support.

Medications may help for a while, but real freedom comes from within. I will share effective strategies to change your core conscious and unconscious inner programing (beliefs), to move beyond  and managing your life - or trying to control it, which is exhausting. I will reveal what I have learned about slowing down internally and trusting that the rest will follow.

Note: Slowing down doesn't mean that you have to slow down your ideas and love for LIFE!

About 1 in 5 Americans live with learning and attention challenges. These challenges have no influences on a person's intellect.  Whatever your unique style of learning and creating is, I will identify and work with it, assisting you in building, expressing and grounding the tools you need to find your answers within. 

Adele Helps You Change The Perspectives of Your Experiences to See More Clearly in The Workplace And Your Personal Life!

 I would recommend 1x/week for the first month - 1 hr. sessions

215.680.2351 -


A READING from an Inner Work Coach

What to Expect from a Inner Work READING: 

I am not the Wizard, You Are! I am the Crystal Ball Reflecting You to You!




This is not your typical reading. This is a Know Thyself and participatory reading, like you're having a chat with me. 

I have spent the last 20 years assisting individuals of all ages and various backgrounds to understand and embrace that "There is another way to live." 

With my unique vision and style, I assist you in undoing, understanding and creating the life that you desire and deserve. 

I do not predict your future. I am an intuitive, who more importantly listens to the energy behind your words - which most times is the source of your challenges, as well as where you stored all those beliefs about yourself. These are the things that interfere with your present hopes and dreams today. 

I gently guide you to your inner knowing then share clarity and practical application of your situation, which results in the possibility and probability of a new direction in your journey.

Benefits: You will walk away with a greater understanding of how your subconscious has been interfering with your conscious desires. These Readings will be for people who want to discover and connect more deeply to their inner knowing. 

Schedule with Adele for an 1:1 online reading on Zoom: 

215.680.2351 /


Listen to what people are saying about
Adele's Searching for OZ products & services! 

Reviews on "Searching for OZ" novel

"Sometimes in an author we recognize a voice, startlingly familiar, as if angels have guided their pen to page...tap, tap. I find myself engrossed in Adele's Searching for OZ book, feeling honored that she would "share" her inner thoughts with me. I want to take her words in slowly and ponder them all, for I was meant to read this. Adele's style of writing is on in which the flow of words, although seemingly random, form beautiful, rhythmic patterns, like the movement of water in a stream. This smacks familiar to me. It is a voice through channels unexpected, that reminds me of home." - Judy

"This book was cleverly written as a story with an underlying message of self-love. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz metaphors really worked in, setting it apart as a unique take, on one woman's journey of self-discovery. The author's courageous account of childhood abuse and the learned methods to overcome feelings of guilt and shame are sure to be helpful to anyone who can't quite seem to figure out where they went wrong in life, regardless of the root cause of their belief patterns. Whether it was emotional, physical or sexual abuse, or the learned thought patterns of parents, anyone could relate to the message of this story and benefit from searching within oneself to find their own wizard." - Meg, Artist

"Searching for OZ reminds us that no matter where we find ourselves today there is still more life to live. Sometimes we can feel lost, like we are so far from where we are meant to be. In Searching for OZ, we are able to take a journey with Dottie, a woman who has been through things that we probably couldn't imagine, but has found a way to not just confront her past but move forward to a place of happiness. Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz she has to find her courage and realize that she can trust her heart and that things can be better. What is so great about this book is that for some of us who have found ourselves in challenging situations that path "home" to a place of happiness might seem long, but we are not traveling it along. As Dottie realizes there are others who have experienced trauma and pain that she has been able to talk with, and those who just want to see her find peace and realize that she is worthy of love. No matter what you have experienced or what you find yourself, this is not the end for you. There is more life waiting for you to live." - Cyrus Webb, Host/Executive Producer of Conversations LIVE, iHeart radio journalist, Amazon Reviewer

"Your level of honesty in sharing your life experiences and feelings - encouraged me to be even more honest and deep with myself in terms of my traumas and experiences and beliefs. Your book gave me so many realization moments - where I understood on a soul/gut level how our traumas and experiences (without consciously knowing it) form beliefs and expectations and then we tend to experience/create/participate in similar variations of these tough experiences - all the whole suffering needlessly. Showing the way out - the way to "OZ" or "Home" is the glory of the book. I have spent since about 16 years old on the path to OZ and now, things are finally making more sense." - Chris pepper

Reviews on "Searching for OZ" workbook
and coursework

         "Beautifully written from the heart. . Adele and Michael bring to light the path to self-love. Guiding us safely, step by step through all fears and traumas of the past so we can finally be free of all pain and suffering and limitations.  The workbook is much more than following instructions.  It is all about following your heart.  You will keep this beside you for a lifetime of self-discovery for any situation that doesn't make you happy" - Deb

      “Searching for OZ” takes you on a journey of learning with the ultimate goal of self-love. Have you ever had a teacher that was so good that you didn’t even realize you were learning? This book has so much learning sewn into each page that you don’t even realize you are learning and gaining tremendous insight at times. Adele’s style of writing walks you through her life with ease. I was able to easily relate several of my life experiences with Dottie’s; while not exact, the story captivates you in a way that you find yourself naturally looking for ways to relate to Dottie. Adele and Michael also have created a self-help workbook that surpasses traditional self-help books." - Kathy, Marriage and Family Therapist

"Wow!!! Getting down to it - Unraveling the yarns of emotional pain that we sometimes have in our lives. The Searching for OZ workbook & coursework created by Adele, is unlike any other I have experienced. To actually be able to change my world rather than just manage it has been life altering. This workbook is so clear, precise and laid out in such a way that anyone can follow it despite any challenges they may have. What a perfect time for this info. to be coming out with all the abuse being exposed and brought to the light in our culture today. Thank you, Adele and Michael" - Barb

For more reviews, go to Amazon:
Searching for OZ, Adele Saccarelli-Cavallaro

Adele in Cart with Book

Get Adele's Coursework

       Are you ready to take a huge leap for yourself and take a course that will change your life for the better? Understanding YOU is imperative! The SEARCHING FOR OZ mini-coursework will specifically cover this very subject – YOU.

The Searching for OZ
"Jumpstart to Joy"

This is a self guided online course (that will take you approx. 6 weeks) full of videos and action items to help you achieve ultimate healing from any type of mini-trauma from your past. It will get you started to a life of healing, acceptance, integration, and manifestation. When applied the results will be visible and quick.

DIY Course


One time

        This is a self guided online coursework (that will take you approx. 6 weeks) full of videos and action items to help you get you started to achieve healing from those self-abusing thoughts/feelings that get in your way from being happy. Receive concepts that help you to begin to accept, integrate, and manifest your true identity. When applied the results will be visible and quick.

Six Week Self-Guided course
One 1:1 Session with Adele
Accompanying audios to enhance course
Weekly homework assignments


Course w/ Coaching


One Time

Receive access to a 6-week self guided online coursework combined with 4 live coaching calls to help you achieve healing from those self-abusing thoughts/feelings that get in your way from being happy. Receive concepts that help you to begin to accept, integrate, and manifest your true identity. When applied that results will be visible and quick.

Six Week Self-guided Course
Four 1:1 Coaching Calls
Accomplaying audios to enhance course 
Searching for Oz Novel (digital)
Searching for Oz Workbook (digital)
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Adele tells her story about her experiences of Kansas and her search for self-love and healing. She explains how her writings were gathered and then turned into a creative novel. This novel entertains as well as opens up a world of change in perceptions of others. She talks about the process of how she healed. This process consists of paradigm shifts in perception that is life changing. It shifted her life and it can shift yours too! 

"Adele spoke at our monthly Women’s Empowerment Group about her recently published book, SEARCHING FOR OZ, and her personal journey leading to writing the book. She was an excellent speaker who in a very authentic, articulate way shared her challenges, victories, and lessons learned while on her unique life path. Adele adeptly answered questions from group members and demonstrated herself to be a role model for women moving from a traumatic life into one where she now thrives."

   Deborah Pietruszka, OTR/L, HTCP, C.Ht., CCA Owner of Serendipity Meadows

Adele also conducts Wellness programs
for the businesses/corporations. 


In my podcast, I share with you my experiences of some childhood trauma and new perspectives of the understanding of the process of grooming. More importantly, I give examples of my healing and waking up to a life that I didn't think was possible. 

You will also have the opportunity to listen to some amazing guests such as, progressive advocates, therapists, channels, lawyers, organizers, sexual abuse victims and the movers and the shakers!

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Check out my latest Pastel!

"Calling All Women Over 50!"

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"Basketball for Women"

Are you tired of playing pick-up games with guys? I am!  Come play basketball with a bunch of women that love the game! Competitive as well as amateurs are welcome.

I played intercollegiate volleyball, coached college volleyball, HS basketball and Volleyball and youth soccer and basketball.

Upper Perkiomen Valley Area

Every Friday 6:30pm and leave rejuvenated, (2 hours/each) beginning in May, 2022.

May thru Sept. 2022!

Register via text or email with your name, email & phone #.



If you need to know more, push the button below to Chat with Adele (Not the singer!)