Karma and Law


The true definition of Law is:  the tendency of a series of events to repeat itself therby judged and assumed factual and true..


When we see one event followed by another, or sometimes happening simultaneously with another, we expect this sequence or co-existence to recur. All of our ideas of law are due to association and perception. This can be individual or collective/group association.


A series of phenomena becomes associated with things in our mind in a sort of invariable order, so that whatever we perceive at any time is immediately referred to other facts, beliefs or judgments of our mind. Any one idea or, according to psychology, any one wave/judgment that is produced in the mind must always give rise to many similar waves of judgment and perception.


This is the psychological idea of association, and causation and is only an aspect of this a pervasive principle of association. This pervasiveness of association is; the expectation that a particular phenomenon will be followed by another, and that the series will repeat itself due to previous experience.


Therefore, law does not exist in nature. It is therefore an error to say that there is any law existing objectively anywhere in nature. Law is the method, the manner in which our mind grasps a series of phenomena that then is organized by the mind in order to explain and inaccurately control/understand so the mind may feel safe and in control of one’s experience.


Simply put laws do not really exist:  It Is All In The Mind.


When a collective of people agree on this mental judgment they then call it a Law because the many agree to the assumed truth and thereby creat a belief and belief system.


The true definition of Karma: that which has been assumed Law that travels with the soul memory of an individual or collective through multiple life/ incarnational experiences.

Therefore karma is a belief system carried beyond this life as a truth that thereby causes reoccuring experiences lifetime after lifetime till the belief is dissolved.


Karma is not a payback, suffering, the idea of having to pay or repent, nor having to make restitution.


The truth is:     Karma Does Not Exist


What does exist is a belief or belief system experienced and carried over multiple incarnations which cause one to re-experience the energetic essence of the belief system manifesting in a life experience as many times as it takes for you and your soul to reliquish the belefs associated wth the experiential perception.


Basically a belief is a judgment and an assumed truth. This then leads us to the understanding and wisdom that judgment is the source of all pain.


Free yourself from your karma by freeing your self from your limiting beliefs by freeing yourself from judgment of all kinds.


Love does not judge……


Eliminate your limiting beliefs and open to Love


Become the love and your judgment will cease


When you are the Love the is no Law and there is no more Karma


Love does not need to be governed, only experienced


With LOVE,

Michael Cavallaro

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