11 Journaling Tips For Beginners


Journaling works best when you have a plan and are consistent. Here are 11 tips to help you become comfortable journaling.


  • When you are beginning, unless you can journal at the same time every day, you may need a reminder to get it done. You may want to use something like an alert on your phone.


  • It is optimal to have a place set aside for journaling. In order to avoid distractions, it is best to determine where you can journal in peace.


  • Journaling is a habit you build. This tip involves keeping a notebook tracking the days you journal and the days you don’t. Make a note as to why you couldn’t journal and see if it is something you can adjust. Also note the time you are journaling and for how long. At the end of the month, review your tracker. You can also use a tracker app and find one that will create a report for you at the end of a specified time.


  • Don’t be shy to ask for help or to get a journaling partner. Sometimes life is so hectic that you just feel there are only 20 hours in a day. Journaling with a partner may motivate you.


  • There are many types of journals, and depending on what you hope to achieve. Just writing down one sentence about what you are grateful for will make a major difference in your mindset when you do journal. This is also helpful if you tend to have a series of negative thoughts throughout the day.


  • Have a list of journaling prompts on standby for the days when your mind is blank or use a journal with prompts.


  • A great tip is to set yourself free. This means that instead of being really structured like you may be at work, you journal with an open mind. Some days, you may have specific things to write in your journal but leave your mind open to let it download feelings that have been hanging around and not yet expressed.


  • Do a journal in your own style. Avoid copying how other people journal. Just because your friend writes long paragraphs, that may not be your nature. Your journal is personal, and it is up to you how you use it.


  • When you begin your journaling adventure, keep your goal small and achievable. For example, instead of saying I will journal 7 days a week in the morning for an hour, state that you will journal 2 to 3 times a week for at least five minutes. You may need to practice and build consistency, or you may give up. Overwhelming yourself with the idea of massive journaling is often counterproductive.


  • Remember to place your journal where it is easily accessible. Many people leave the journal by their bedside. Choose the best spot for you, and remember, pick a journal with a cover that inspires you. When you see your journal, you should have a good feeling and want to put your thoughts down on paper. In addition to having a journal with a great cover, make sure to get one that is pleasing to the eye. The interior layout should inspire you, whether it is the lines or a motivational saying on each page.


  • The final tip is to remember your why every day. Why are you journaling? What do you hope to achieve? Do you want to be more organized creative, or resolve some internal feelings that have bothered you? It is a good idea to write out your why and keep it where you can see it.


Enjoy Your Adventure,



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