10 Skills and Tools for a Loving Relationship

Here are 10 Tools and Skills for a Loving Relationship

  1. A commitment to self love
  2.  A commitment to the relationship
  3. Become aware of your beliefs, programming and wounds
  4. Change your programming and heal your wounds
  5. Understand your partners programming and wounds
  6. Communicate with your partner about both of your beliefs and programming
  7. Communicate you vision, hopes and wishes
  8. Identify if your hopes and wishes are of the heart or programming
  9. Detach from birth family, children and spouse
  10. Take ownership of your life and what you have created without blame or expectations

Just in case you disagree with what i have written. Please take the time to look for the deeper meaning of this list.

The detachment one is challenging for most. However in order to love freely and completely we must move beyond our programming and unconscious attachments in order to love freely and completely.

Love to you all,


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