The following are 10  tenets of self-love.


These are internal qualities that an individual must have in order to obtain or connect with their own self love.

  1. There is no following others.
  2. There is no competition.
  3. There are no conditions
  4. There is no self-sacrifice.
  5. There are no others that come before yourself.
  6. You are self lead.
  7. There is equality in differences
  8. You are unconditionally accepting.
  9. You are a creator..
  10. You are the love.


Self Love is the only answer to fulfillment and true happiness. This world teaches that external validation or material things are fulfillment. This however is simply a distraction and purposeful diversion.

When you bring your focus inward to the heart and connect with your divinity all needs and desires are fulfilled.

Let me be clear here ….You can have it all!

You can have inner peace , happiness and fulfillment while experiencing all the material entertainment you desire.

However you MUST have attained Authentic Self Love first.


Michel Cavallaro  2020




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