"You Have Always Had the power, my dear!
you just had to learn it for yourself" - GLINDA

We're glad that you're here! 


We believe the foundation of a balanced life starts with consciousness, a strong sense of self and a focused awareness on growing and expanding.

We understand the challenges of self-growth. That is why we created concepts and a process that shows you how to carefully weed through your past by identifying the Invisible Challenges that keep you stuck. 

When you are ready, you can use these concepts to allow these things within you to unfold and then gently neutralize and nurture them so you can enjoy your life to its fullest. 

Interested in hearing more about our services and products, keep Scrolling! 


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Do you sometimes get puzzled by your relationships or just don't understand why things happen in your life?

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 Chakra Healing Journals

Abstract & Pastels

Meet Adele & Michael

Adele Saccarelli-Cavallaro

Adele is an author, podcaster,  an Inner Work coach, a  certified ADHD coach and the Founder and Co-Executive Director of a 24 yr. old non-profit called Teamwork Wins.

Skilled in sales, entrepreneurship, Invisible challenges trainings for women in the workplace and walking her clients through the smoke and fog of their Invisible Challenges which results in clear focusing, internal contentment and feeling exhilarated!

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Michael Cavallaro

Michael has dedicated his life to discovering what it means to be human, to get to the core of pain and break free from it. He struggled for many years from his own family abuse as well as learned to accept some of the limitations of being human. He is an Amazon #1 best selling author, international speaker, and mentor.

Michael's lifelong journey has made it possible to reach out beyond what is visible to tap into the beauty of energy. These energies are within and around all of us, but most of us suppress or are blinded to them. By achieving clarity and knowledge of the world around him, Michael is able to channel these divine energies to help others experience multi-dimensional healing. 

We Decided on FOREVER

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Listen to "The Adele and Michael Show" for light-

hearted and practical conversations on life and it's

packed with information that can help you in your

everyday life. 

We are a wife and husband team that explores

and shares all aspect of life both the visible and

the invisible, self awareness and relationships of

all kinds - especially the one that we have with

 each other! 


Our Quarterly Inspirational Newsletter

Teamwork Wins Ltd. Our twenty-four year old 501c3 non-profit organization, A Foundation for Awareness & Change: Assisting the Underserved